Student Welfare
“All children and young people needing support with their learning should get help.”(MOE)
Peachgrove Intermediate School is committed to providing an integrated network of learning support which recognises the whole child, combining targeted learning support within the classroom with a professional Counselling and Social Work Service.
Click on links below for each area.
Day to Day Pastoral Care
The first persons responsible for monitoring your child's well-being and daily care at school are the classroom teachers.
All classroom teachers also have daily support from a senior staff member.
All our office staff are First Aid trained and will attend to minor needs on-site in our Sick Bay.
If medical attention beyond minor First Aid is required, we have access to the services of a Public Health Nurse.
If a student requires the services of a doctor and/or ambulance, families will be contacted ASAP.
Our students have access to dental care and counselling on site.
Student Behaviour Management - Positive Behaviour For Learning
Student Behaviour is monitored by using a school wide framework focusing on Positive Behaviour for Learning which is a strengths based approach.
Developing positive relationships between students and staff will enhance opportunities for meaningful teaching and learning to occur.
The Peachgrove PB4L framework enables teachers and other school adults to actively teach and promote desired behaviour, and respond to inappropriate student behaviour in a fair and consistent manner.
Peachgrove uses the PB4L school-wide 3-tiered process for supporting student behaviour.
Tier 1 is the foundation of positive behaviour supports for all students and adults implemented across all settings.
Tier 2 looks at interventions for students who require additional behaviour and learning support.
Tier 3 looks at more individualised and intensive support for students who experience chronic, severe and challenging behaviour.
Positive Behaviour Support System - Part 1
A systematic, school-wide positive performance reward system is a proven, powerful tool to support behaviour learning. It supports an inclusive, strengths-based approach that ensures all students receive recognition, not just those who seek it or those who receive attention for inappropriate behavior.
to help students learn and maintain expected behaviours (link to School-wide Expectations)
to create a positive school climate
to give staff a consistent method for acknowledging and rewarding expected behaviours
Underlying Principles:
to learn expected behaviours, all students must be explicitly taught the desired behaviours based around our Peachgrove PRIDE values, in all school settings
to retain new behaviours, students must be given specific, positive feedback
when used thoughtfully and purposefully, tangible acknowledgements play an important role in teaching and reinforcing desired behaviours
all students should have equal opportunity to be acknowledged for desired behaviours
All adults are expected in all settings to:
Reinforce positive behaviour frequently
Give genuine and positive feedback/praise
Build and maintain positive behaviour and relationships
Model and teach the Peachgrove PRIDE values
Levels of Reward:
Free and Frequent
Immediate recognition to any student meeting an expectation or displaying a PRIDE value.
Awarded by any staff, any time, any location.
Moderate and Intermittent
Awarded for exceptional “one off’ behaviours or from accumulated F & Fs (consistent desired behaviours).
Pen, Wristband, Praise Certificate
Significant and Infrequent
The “top tier” of rewards for outstanding/exemplary demonstration of desired behaviours.
Lion badge
Positive Behaviour Support System - Part 2
A clear, consistent educative response to misbehaviour helps create a safe and predictable school environment that enhances teaching and learning outcomes. It focuses on teaching and reteaching what students are expected to do, and on restoring damaged relationships.
to create a learning environment that is safe, predictable and secure for students and staff
to provide staff with a fair, logical and consistent method for responding to problem behaviour
Underlying Principles:
all social behaviour, both appropriate and inappropriate, is learned
students do not learn better ways of behaving when simply given aversive consequences
to learn better ways of behaving, students must be directly taught replacement behaviours
Adult response to problem behaviour must be:
calm and immediate
consistent with the expectations of the school
respectful of the student
follow the approved strategies for managing problem behaviour as outlined in the documents below.
Minor, Major and Crisis Problem Behaviours
Minor problem behaviours are low intensity or infrequent behaviours which can be redirected quickly, and are to be managed by teachers in the immediate context in which they occur.
Teachers record minor problem behaviour in order to provide accurate data in the event the behaviour continues.
Major problem behaviours are those which place self or others at risk; prevent the ongoing delivery of instruction; cause significant damage to property or are illegal. They may be “one off’ incidents or repeated, sustained or high intensity minor behaviours.
The immediate consequence of a Major is removal from the classroom or playground for a set period of time, under the supervision of the student’s Leader of Learning in the first instance.
Crisis problem behaviours are those which involve significant risk to person or property, or are illegal. They are to be immediately referred to and responded to by the Senior Leadership Team.
In all instances the school will adopt an educative and restorative approach when addressing misbehaviour.