Contact: Mr Mark Pearson mpearson@peachgrove.school.nz
Whaea Prem Rauf prauf@peachgrove.school.nz
The test will run from Monday, 17th of August to Monday, 31stof August. There will be no ICAS Writing this year.
The ICAS assessments are designed to assess the students’ ability to apply classroom learning in new contexts, using higher order thinking and problem solving skills.
Practice papers: On request from classroom teachers (Shared Drives)
All ICAS Assessments are online assessments, designed to recognise and reward academic excellence.
Fee: $17 per paper
Due Dates: Expression of interest by Monday, 3rd of August
Payment due at the office: Monday, 10th of August (Please contact the school office (Caitlin Ottaway) to make other arrangements for payment, eg. weekly instalments.
Important Dates to Remember
ICAS Science Monday, 17th August $17
ICAS English Monday 24tth August $17
ICAS Digitech Monday,24th August $17
ICAS Maths Monday, 31st August $17
ICAS Spelling Monday, 31st August $17